What Flour to Use for Sourdough Starter: A Baker’s Guide



Creating a sourdough starter from scratch is a rewarding experience for any baker, offering a gateway to delicious, naturally leavened breads. The choice of flour is pivotal in developing a healthy and active sourdough starter, as it affects the fermentation process and the flavor of your sourdough bread. In this article, we delve into what flour to use for sourdough starter and how each type influences the final product.

Understanding Sourdough Starter

A sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that captures wild yeast and bacteria from the environment. Over time, this mixture ferments, creating a colony of microorganisms that leaven bread naturally and impart a tangy flavor. The flour you choose feeds these microorganisms, influencing the rate of fermentation and the taste of your bread.

The Best Flours for Sourdough Starter

Whole Grain Flours: The Nutrient-Rich Choice

Whole grain flours, such as whole wheat or rye, are excellent for initiating a sourdough starter. These flours are rich in nutrients and minerals, providing ample food for the yeast and bacteria to thrive. Rye flour, in particular, is often recommended for starting a culture because of its high enzyme activity, which helps to speed up fermentation.

All-Purpose Flour: The Versatile Option

While whole-grain flours are optimal for establishing a starter, all-purpose flour can also be used successfully. It’s readily available and makes a less acidic starter, which some bakers prefer for its milder flavor. All-purpose flour can be used alone or in combination with whole grain flours to balance nutrient content and fermentation activity.

Bread Flour: For a Stronger Starter

Bread flour, with its higher protein content, can create a more vigorous starter. The increased gluten strength supports a more active fermentation process, leading to a stronger rise in your sourdough bread. However, it may take longer to establish a starter with bread flour due to its lower mineral content compared to whole grain flours.

Organic Flours: The Unbleached, Untreated Choice

Organic flours are often preferred for sourdough starters due to the absence of chemicals and bleaching agents. These flours retain more of their natural nutrients and are not treated with pesticides, providing a cleaner, potentially more active fermentation environment.

Tips for Maintaining Your Sourdough Starter

  • Feed Regularly: Maintain your starter with daily feedings if kept at room temperature, or weekly if stored in the refrigerator.
  • Watch the Hydration: The ratio of water to flour can affect your starter’s activity. A 100% hydration level (equal parts flour and water by weight) is standard, but adjustments can be made based on your climate and the flour used.
  • Be Patient: Developing a robust sourdough starter takes time. It can take several days to a few weeks for a starter to become fully active and ready for baking.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of flour or combinations to see what works best for your environment and taste preferences.


The choice of what flour to use for a sourdough starter is a matter of personal preference and the specific characteristics you desire in your sourdough bread. Whether you opt for the nutrient-rich whole grain flour, the versatility of all-purpose flour, or the strength of bread flour, each will contribute uniquely to the flavor and texture of your sourdough creations. Experimenting with different flours will not only help you understand the fermentation process better but also lead you to the perfect sourdough starter for your artisan bread baking.

Begin Your Sourdough Journey with èViva la Farina

Embark on an authentic baking adventure with èViva la Farina’s premium selection of natural flours. Whether you’re starting your very first sourdough starter or looking to elevate your artisan bread, our flours provide the perfect foundation for all your sourdough creations. From nutrient-rich whole grain flours to versatile all-purpose and robust bread flours, èViva offers everything you need to bring the ancient art of sourdough baking into your kitchen.


Discover the difference that quality, natural flour can make in your sourdough bread. Visit èViva la Farina’s website today and select from our carefully curated range to start your sourdough journey.

With èViva la Farina, every loaf is a testament to the beauty of natural ingredients and the joy of homemade baking. Join us in celebrating the tradition of sourdough with flours that honor the craft of artisan bakers

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